Britain france Italy and 2 delegates from japan
met in san remo ion aapril1920 to discuss partition of arab lands.
British and French had already agreed on
boundaries between mandates.
At the end of 1920 britain invited faisal to
London to gain hashimite acceptance of the san remo division of the middle east
in return Britain would place its new
mandates under the sonds of sharif Hussein. Plan came to be known as sharifian
solition. Made policy in march of 1921
by churchwill.
The 2 territories conceded to Britain at san
remo were Iraq and Palestine. Britain needed to devise governments for these 2
Faisal was made king of Iraq in august 1921.
Faisals brother-amir Abdullah was to serv as
temporary ruler of the Transjordan for a 6 month period
Sharif Hussein assumed kingship of arab
countries in 1916, though was recognized by Britain as king of only the hijaz.
His son ali assumed the throne in 1924 until the
Saudi hijaz conquest of 1925.
Palestine came under the arena of 2 rival
nationalist movements-zionists and Palestinians.
4 years after ottoman retreat from arab lands
modern middle east map was drawn.
France had Algeria as a full French colony,
morocco and Tunisia as procterates, and Syria and Lebanon were held as league
of nation mandates.
Egypt gained nominal independence in 1922 but
was under british influence through a restrictive treaty.
Sudan was ruled by Egypt and Britain jointly.
South yemen was a british colony, Palestine,
Transjordan and Iraq were held as mandates, and britains interests in the
Persian guld were upheld though treaty arrangements with the ruling damilies in
Kuwait, Bahrain Qatar and the shaikdoms known as the trucial states for the antipiracy
treaties. Muscat and oman were also under informal british control.
Libya and Italian colony since 1911 was only
exception in the region.
General Kemal rejected the treaty of sevres
signed at the paris peace conference august 1920.
General Mustafa Kemal, known as ataturk, started
and won the Turkish war for independence in 1921-22. Resulted in republic of
turkey. Whose sovernty andindependence was later recognized by the treaty of
Lausanne on july 24 1923.
Britain wanted to establish iran as a procterate
but met resistance with a nationalist movement.
1921 iranian commander reza khan would lead
revolt and dynasty would rule iran until 1979.
In Arabia abdul aziz, ibn saud, untied the
Arabian peninsula by 1924.. Britain recognized the Saudi peninsula in 1927 and
was named Saudi Arabia in 1932
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